*If you want to be called SRK, then be prepared to have your name split to match the initials*
*No! I won’t put up a picture!*
Imagine the pull of the man… he has found a way in to MY blog. You would notice that unlike most of the times I mention an actor here, I have linked him to his Wikipedia page and not IMDB… he needs a lot more description and well, Wikipedia has a link to his IMDB page at the bottom.
The man is iconic. The Badshah of Bollywood, the King Khan… and many more adulatory sobriquets are showered on him by his crazy fans… more so when one of his many movies is up for release or is running to packed halls.
Why is he featured on my blog? Ah well… let me get this straight… If I could make rules and enforce them, I would bar him from making or acting in movies. Yes. The divine SRK would not (and should not) be allowed to be in movies in my ideal world. Now, don’t get me wrong… I think the man is a gem of a person… but I just can’t stand what he does onscreen in the name of acting. It is not the person Shah Rukh Khan I abhor… but his onscreen persona.
I really wish, hope, pray that he would stop acting. Retire and just be a good person… a good husband, a good papa and a very good friend to KJo!
I might get lynched for this post… but hey, this is my blog… and this is my opinion. Why I hate his work is simple… every time I watch an SRK movie… it seems that it is just a scene from one long movie… from Baazigarto Don-2… just one long movie. He is exactly the same in every movie. He is always SRK – the star… never the character. It is such a waste of talent… cause, the man has talent. Yes, he does. But, it is buried in his stardom. The only movie in which I could slightly tolerate him was Chak De! India. He was not larger than life in it… and that was a relief. Even in a movie as down-to-earth as Swades… it was not whatshisname character but Shah Rukh Khan that overshadowed it. My Name Is Khan was a big hit… but where was the character Khan? …it was just Shah Rukh ‘from the epiglottis’ Khan doing a weird act. Compared to that even Hrithik Roshan did a better job in Guzaarish (and that is really stretching it).
Every movie the man acts in has him playing himself… and never the character. That to me is a huge turn-off. From his Circus& Fauji days…I know the man can act. Wonder what stops him from getting that percentage of people, who can’t stand him, to be on his side by just continuing to act the way he did back then?!
I am all for personal opinion and right of choice and all that. But, I believe there has to be some limits set by logical sense or at least by common sense. The other day… a friend of mine (well, after what she said I’d have to rethink that position for her) had put up a status update on FB, thanking SRK for the wonderful, lovely entertainer of a movie called Ra.One. She even had the guts to call the music of the movie melodious (well, she needs to get her ears tested… naah… boxed!). People refuse to use their brains. How can you like a movie in which the whole plot revolves on a stupid mistake the director / scriptwriter made? The said error – The woman’s kid is in danger and given the option to escape… she decides to stay and suffer the consequences, endanger her and her kid’s life and expect some robot/android to save her while she is doing the chammak challo! So… it all comes down to the fact that people are in general zombie sheep… they just refuse to use logic… they blindly follow any damn fad. Anything SRK dishes out… bullshit though it might be (and always is, in most cases), people just relish it (like Nawaab Saheb always says… jaahilon se bhari duniya hain!). The cash registers at the box-office just do not stop ringing and the man continues to torture us with more of his movies.
Such an utter waste of talent!
© Surya Murali